De Ann's Clan

Monday, July 20, 2009


I took your advice and went to see a doctor. It was a very informative visit. We think I have fibromyalgia which just means I am in the "in" crowd with the rest of the world. I swear everyone I know has fibromyalgia. But my pain is triggered by stress and depression. After the doctor told me that I realized that I was feeling great when I was teaching school. I am feeling crappy because it is summer break. So the good news is that I will start feeling better when I am less stressed and not as bummed. Come on school year!


Anonymous said...

I wondered about stress. Glad to hear. Yeah for school!!! Do you have babysitters all worked out this year? Hopefully you have found a good deal.

Unknown said...

It all makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? Love you tons! Cut down on the stress in your life!

☼ Dayna said...

I finally found your blog! Thank you so much for the things you wrote about us, and I did not know you looked after Adam. I thought I had lost so many friends when I moved away... Thank you for getting me and all of my "weirdness" too. Heaven knows, it's only gotten worse! Well I am glad I can read up on the Moore clan - hope Don gets the job! keep posting! Much love - d.pitcher

brookelmt said...

have your dr check your vitamin D levels because a deficiency of vitamin D can cause and/or mimic fibromyalgia.