That is the question
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?
Yeah, there is only so much stress I can take. I cannot spend every free moment I have cleaning the house. I can try to keep it clean, but I can continue doing this deep cleaning every chance I get is too much for me.
So we spent Saturday moving everything that we had packed, back into the house. Yeah, good times. Now I have a basement full of boxes and I can't find a lot of the things I need.
Don is excited to work on getting our house fixed up. He said he was going to try to paint my room. Yeah, the one that is pink and yellow and hasn't been painted for 20 years, that room. Maybe something good will come of all of this after all.
Who Knows Until You Write It
3 weeks ago
I ran into DeAnne Cottle the other day and she told me your house was for sale, so I guess not anymore?
yeah, not anymore. How are you doing?
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