De Ann's Clan

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A great reminder

Last night I went to the adult session of stake conference. It was great. It was worth all the pain and suffering the children make me go through for leaving them home. There were a lot of great talks. The most important thing that I heard was more of reminder than anything. A mother in our stake talked about what she does when things are bad. She serves other people. What better way to stop focusing on my troubles and start focusing on all the blessings I have. I need to reach out to other people and help them more.


Anonymous said...

You're awesoem De Ann!! You do a great job. It was great to see you last night. I miss you!!!
So sad about Bishop Budd. In the short time I knew him, I also grew to have a great love and a lot of respect for him. What a great family.

Unknown said...

You’ve got the right idea sissy! I always feel better when I am doing something for someone else. How can you think about your pain and sorrows when you are worried about someone else who is worse off than you?