De Ann's Clan

Friday, May 2, 2008

Wanted, a patient soul to watch my children while I run away for a couple of hours.
Must have
  1. an unlimited supply of Benadryl and be current on a days prescription of Prozac, tranquilizers, and or both.
  2. the ability to referee non-stop wrestling, karate, and boxing matches.
  3. a love of boys, or at least pretend to.
  4. a knowledge of how to make peanut butter sandwiches on white bread with no crust and be willing to make Top Raman.
  5. protective ear gear to protect the hearing that you currently have.
  6. willingness to clean up after huge messes that usually result from playing in the mud.
  7. ready arms to hug a crying, injured child every few minutes while busily looking for band aids for the next injury.
  8. ability to answer phone and carry on a conversation with background chaos and loud interruptions.

You may ask why I have not included anything about my daughter. She is an angel, thus, she is coming with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cute!!!! When you find the right person, send them to me when you are done!!!!